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Breakthrough Self-Sabotage with
Mental & Emotional Release®

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is often referred to as the user manual for our conscious and unconscious mind. From communication mastery to releasing unwanted habits, NLP provides proven techniques to get results.


Taking an NLP training is like learning how to become fluent in the language of your mind so that the ever-so-helpful “server” that is your unconscious will finally understand what you actually want out of life. NLP is the study of excellent communication–both with yourself, and with others. It was developed by modeling excellent communicators and therapists who got results with their clients. NLP is a set of tools and techniques, but it is so much more than that. It is an attitude and a methodology of knowing how to achieve your goals and get results.


Here’s an example: Have you ever tried to communicate with someone who didn’t speak your language, and they couldn’t understand you? The classic example of this is when someone goes out to a restaurant in a Foreign country and they think they ordered steak, but when the food shows up, it turns out they actually asked for liver stew. This is the kind of relationship that most of us have with our own unconscious mind. We might think we are “ordering up” more money, a happy, healthy relationship, peace with our family members, and being able to stick to a healthy diet…but unless that’s what showing up, then something is probably getting lost in translation.

Mental And Emotional Release® (MER)


Mental and Emotional Release® is a clinically researched approach to help you release stress, anxiety, fear and other negative emotions. You will be able to utilize MER to overcome procrastination, depression and phobias. The MER model has become widely known as the most effective method for creating quick, lasting change for an individual. Combining this with NLP provides an innovative approach to understanding and directing human experience, communication and behavior.

Mental and Emotional Release® was created by applying a therapeutic process to the concept of an internal memory storage system. The result is a collection of techniques which produces long-lasting transformation very quickly-faster than what is currently called Brief Therapy. These powerful MER techniques are becoming the method of choice to make fast, effective, long-term changes in behavior.

Your Breakthrough Coaching


This intimate and intense session shines light on the deep, unconscious issues that are holding you back. We start by digging up the deeper issue that is currently creating problems in all areas of your life. Using Mental and Emotional Release® techniques, we replace limiting beliefs and negative emotions with empowering thoughts, beliefs and behaviors that allow you to become super-charged in the areas of life you want to change. Be prepared to feel energized, inspired and ready to begin a new chapter after we release a lifetime of baggage in this life-changing session all without reliving any trauma.


Having worked with 100s of clients, we know that changing deeply rooted patterns takes time. Though many experience major shifts fast, progress can often be derailed due to re-emerging patterns or unexpected life events. We guide you through a purposeful, proven process for breakthrough results. After aligning your values and getting clear on who you’re wanting to become, we create a viable action plan to get you moving toward your desired outcome.


Results are measured to ensure you remain focused and motivated. You’ll gain the tools you need, along with us jogging alongside you every step of the way, while addressing challenges with confidence and awareness.


We promise, if you invest in yourself and take the necessary action to push forward, you can make your heart sing on your own terms.

Let’s Work Together

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